What of the following Is an Example of a Concentric Contraction

What is a Concentric Contraction?

Muscles are responsible for all of the movements in your body. These movements can be classified as concentric, eccentric, or isometric. A concentric contraction happens when a muscle shortens while contracting against a resistance, resulting in the movement of a body part.

The muscles involved in a concentric contraction generate force, which is greater than the resistance and eventually moves the body part. An example of a concentric contraction is when you perform a bicep curl. During a bicep curl, the bicep muscle shortens while it contracts to lift a weight.

Concentric contractions happen in many different exercises, including weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance training. These exercises usually involve lifting weights, moving against resistance bands, or performing calisthenics like push-ups and squats.

Concentric contractions are also commonly used in physical therapy and rehabilitation to help patients regain strength and movement after injury or surgery. In these situations, the exercises are tailored to the individual`s needs and abilities.

Benefits of Concentric Contraction

There are many benefits to performing exercises that involve concentric contractions. One of the most significant benefits is increased muscle strength and mass. When you exert force against resistance through concentric contractions, your muscles adapt over time to become stronger and bigger.

Concentric contractions also provide a cardiovascular workout that increases heart rate and burns calories, making it an effective way to achieve weight loss and improve overall fitness.


In conclusion, a concentric contraction happens when a muscle shortens while contracting against a resistance and results in the movement of a body part. It`s a common type of muscle contraction used in weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and physical therapy. There are many benefits to performing exercises that involve concentric contractions, including increased muscle strength and mass and improved cardiovascular fitness.
